I got an email the other day from a friend I used to be in a guild with in World of Warcraft. I still play, but he left us about six months ago because he was having trouble keeping up with his classes. I understand – I’ve been there before myself. He was thinking of […]
WoW Tips
World of Warcraft Tips
Attunement for Karazhan
What is Karazhan? Karazhan is the 10 Man Raid Instance that is found in Deadwing Pass (between Duskwood and Swamp of Sorrows) and includes 10 Bosses on a one week instance reset timer. In addition to higher quality loot, Tier 4 Tokens drop on some of the bosses in here. Difficulty wise, people finishing it […]
Lockpicking Guide (part 2)
Tiers of Lockpicking Now you can level with pick pocketing or you can be patient and level efficiently through other means. Though I’m only familiar with the Alliance Rogue, I won’t be able to tell the Horde players their initial skill-up device, but if you look on the boards you shouldn’t have too much trouble. […]
Lockpicking Guide (part 1)
Lock picking is best scene as a fun tradeskill like ability that only rogues get to partake in. It’s impossible to level this very high without leveling your character but it is a fun little skill to play with as you level through the game. How useful is it? Lock picking has limited use but […]
Leathercrafting / Skinning Guide (part 4)
Tribal / Elemental / Dragon Grandmasteries When you near level 50 you’ll be able to receive a quest to learn one of the three masteries. Each of these masteries have different benefits, but once you have learned one, you will no longer have the option to choose the other two, so you must make your […]
Leathercrafting / Skinning Guide (part 3)
Past 250 Skill Once you hit 250 skill you’ll need to get the rest of your recipes from the Auction House or find them off monsters. You defiantly wanna find the Wicked Leather recipes, for they allow for quick and painless leveling into the 300 range. Pay attention for them and buy them as soon […]
Leathercrafting / Skinning Guide (part 2)
Making Money You’ll eventually be faced with the enigma of: ‘How do I make money as a leathercrafter?’ Unfortunately I’m not the best source of information on this subject since I don’t like creating items to sell. (It weighs heavily on my leveling process.) Other then the obvious means of creating a nice green or […]
Leathercrafting / Skinning Guide (part 1)
While at the lower levels leatherworking may look like a less useful tradeskill, at the higher levels it becomes more valuable. However, I would say that leatherworking isn’t necessarily a money making powerhouse of a tradeskill, it does allow you to make armor kits and obtain leather used for making bags. How useful is leatherworking? […]