Blizzard has pushed a hotfix for Season of Discovery, which provides a small, yet convenient change to the Sanctified +2 set bonus granted by all of the Undead Slaying sets. This bonus was previously a 3-piece set bonus and has now been changed to a 2-…
Maximum and Dratnos Interview with Scarizard – Rewards, Dinars, Trinkets and Raid Difficulty!
Maximum and Dratnos interviewed rewards team member and Senior Systems Designer Patrick "Scarizard" Scarborough on Twitch today!I highly recommend watching the full interview on Maximum’s YouTube, but you can look at our summary below:Continu…
Get Up to 30% Off Select Classic Progression Game Services Through March 10th
From now through March 10th, Blizzard is offering up to a 30% discount on game services for Classic Progression servers! These services include Character Transfers, Faction Changes, Name Changes, and Race Changes.For a limited time, experience life on …
Toronto Tickets for the 30th Anniversary Celebration Live Tomorrow Feb. 19th
Toronto Tickets for the March 15th Warcraft 30th Anniversary event go live tomorrow, February 19th, at 3:30PM EST. Toronto TicketsPrevious waves of tickets at other locations lasted merely seconds according to community reports, so if you want to go, y…
Twilight Warding Reenabled – Diablo 4 Season 7 Hotfix
After disabling the Twilight Warding Witch Power last week, Blizzard has announced that it can now be used again with Diablo 4 Patch 2.1.2! While this is hopefully the last we see of Twilight Wardings frequent disables, It should be noted that the Ring…
The Making of Ratts’ Revenge: Deciphering Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle
Blizzard released a very detailed blue post, going on a deep-dive on the Felcycle mount hunt! Keys to Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle is a secret mount players worked together to solve during the WoW’s 20th Anniversary event last year.Looking t…
The War Within Season 1 Recaps Courtesy of Raider.IO
As the first season of The War Within draws to a close, Raider.IO is once again offering personalized recaps detailing all of your dungeon and raid accomplishments! See how much you’ve grown as a player with Mythic+ and raid statistics showcasing your …
New Reputation For March of the Goblins? – Diablo 4 Season 7
With Diablo 4 Patch 2.1.2, new March of the Goblin-related Rewards have been discovered, hinting at the event being expanded in the near future! These are far-reaching and include new Caches, a player Emblem, upgrades that increase the chance for Treas…