Azeroth is our World Soul, but what else do we know about her? It’s time for some more lore speculation with Nobbel87.The question as to what’s actually inside of Azeroth has popped up a couple of times, especially with the latest end cutscene and some…

You’ve seen the icy, menacing eyes, and gleaming metal and heard the ominous names of Arthas holding Frostmourne. Now we are calling all artists to bring these images to life with their vision of Arthas with Frostmourne!
Starting May 7, 2008, Epic Weapons and Blizzard Entertainment will be looking for the best original pieces of artwork that show the Lich King Arthas Menethil wielding his trusted runeblade Frostmourne and the Grand Prize Winner will receive a full sized 47″ long replica of the Frostmourne sword courtesy of Epic Weapons and a guaranteed entry into the beta test of Wrath of the Lich King! Two runner up winners will also be selected for entry into the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King beta test.
We’d like to extend our thanks to Epic Weapons for the generous donation of the Frostmourne replica for this event, and for more information about Frostmourne, you can head over to
Visit the contest page to learn more about the contest!
The second batch of tickets for BlizzCon 2016 is now sold out—grats to everyone who got one! Keep an eye on the BlizzCon website for updates on panels, exhibits, events, tournaments, Virtual Ticket info, and more.