Warcraft III: Reforged Patch 1.35 is bringing custom campaign fixes, map pool updates, and a slew of new balancing to the game on Thursday, January 19! The patch is currently available for testing on the PTR.
In Diablo 4, many players look for the fastest ways to level – whether that be grinding Nightmare dungeons, speedrunning The Pit, or, more recently, running Strongholds over and over. However, a new meta will need to be discovered in Season 6, because …
Blizzard has posted Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes for today.May 30, 2024WoW Remix: Mists of PandariaRighteous Frenzy can no longer be cast on non-party members.In the Throne of Thunder Dark Animus encounter, the increased damage and attack speed by Anima …
With Remix: Mists of Pandaria, players will be able to relive the whole Pandaria expansion, including the iconic Mists of Pandaria raids, including Heroic mode raids.Players will only need a WoW subscription to fully participate in this event, similar …