It was one year ago, today, that the blood elves and draenei joined the armies of Azeroth, and the Dark Portal was
opened to the beautiful and terrifying vistas of Outland. On January 16, 2007, The Burning Crusade was released
and sold almost 2.4 million copies worldwide in its first 24 hours of release, winning multiple awards from industry
representatives. Since that time, World of Warcraft has reached the epic milestone of 9 million subscribers
worldwide, and players have discovered the might of the Burning Legion, fought against the allies of Illidan in
Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep, and even faced down the Betrayer himself in the
Black Temple.
For those who have not yet had the chance to venture into the perils of Outland, a
free trial of the Burning Crusade
is available for download. For players yet to experience World of Warcraft, a
free trial of the original game
is also available.
Original post by World of Warcraft Community Site