Dying on a Hardcore Realm with Mail will prevent you from deleting or transferring your character. Blizzard has stated that they are aware of the issue and are working on a solution, but it might take some time to resolve.
A new currency has been datamined on the Patch 9.1 PTR called "Mega Soul Ash", with the description of "Soul ash, but mega". Could this be a Legendary Catch-Up mechanism or a new upgrade material?We datamined earlier that the Rank 5…
The War Within Early Access is in full swing, and some eagle-eyed players have discovered the source of a new pet – players can earn Parrlok via a cross-promotion with Discord involving streaming World of Warcraft in a direct message (DM), group chat, …
Season of Discovery Phase 2 includes class changes, tuning and new abilities!The following set of changes doesn’t include any new runes from Phase 2. For the full list of datamined runes, click here!Phase 2 Datamined RunesClass ToolsBalanceTalentsFeral…