Blizzard has announced that they will be implementing a hotfix within the next few days to remove the class restrictions on the 3-piece item sets from Arathi Basin Rewards.
The bovine conundrum continues in Diablo 4’s search for the secret cow level, but progress has been made – the new relics in Vessel of Hatred have been discovered, and the Rusted Bardiche has been earned!The D4 – Not Finding a Cow Level discord server …
Our sister site Fanbyte was part of a group interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas which answered many questions about Dragonflight! Topics includes the Talent Trees, design goals of the expansion, lessons learned from Classic WoW and Shadowlands…
Another Dragonflight Dungeon Event week has begun, awarding extra loot to players who complete dungeons, including from the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon! Not only will the final boss drop a third piece of gear, but completing the flawless hard mod…