With about a week and a half until BlizzCon 2023 announces the future of Blizzard games, a new leak may have already revealed the next World of Warcraft expansion!Warning: leaks, rumors, speculation, and what may not be real spoilers abound!Reddit Post…
In the latest episode of The Bench WoW Podcast Growl, Tettles, and Squishei discuss the recent Delve Hotfixes, Mythic Dungeon strategies, and overall raid difficulty in The War Within.The Bench podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Growl, Tettles and S…
A hotfix was pushed today regarding – the Unique was still applying to base health instead of the maximum health. The maximum amount provided would cap out at 7,959 when based off of base health. Temerity Fixed in Patch 1.1.1HOTFIX 2 – AUGUST 11, 2023 …