With 2023 coming to a close, let's look at what's next for Diablo 4 in 2024! We have summarized all known future updates for Diablo 4 so that you can keep an eye on what happens in the world of Sanctuary within the coming months and beyond.
Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred: Everything We Know So Far
It is going to be a busy week for Holiday enjoyers in Cataclysm Classic, with both Pirates’ Day and Brewfest starting this week!Pirates’ Day in Cataclysm ClassicPirates’ Day is a relatively small event on the Cataclysm Classic calendar. This event take…
The Season of Discovery Phase 7 PTR is underway, and we have datamined some of the upcoming changed loot you can expect to see in Naxxramas. While not every item has received updates, many now include newly added equip effects for attack speed, critica…
Another new Dragonflight Beta build is already here with even more class changes! The Warriors mass grip ability has already been nerfed, by increasing the cooldown of Heroic Leap, reducing the number of targets and reducing the range.Continue reading »