Blizzard has pushed back the date for the next Brawl with the Blues to August 4 at 2 PM PDT. This Brawl with the Blues will be on the WoW Classic PTR, where Blizzard is implementing an updated PvP Honor System.
While many players returned from their holidays to ring in the New Year on Azeroth, some have been less fortunate than others. At the start of 2025, several guilds have pushed back their first raids, as many of their top performers fall in battle.Hardc…
Blizzard is implementing Fortunate Finds in Tejal’s Shop in Diablo 4, allowing for personal shop discounts on a player-by-player basis of up to 50% off. While it looks like players won’t see the same discounts on a daily basis as others, this should pr…
With today’s PTR news, we’ve datamined several variants for Open World weapons from the new Patch 11.1 Undermine(d). With vibrant colors and Goblin touches, players will be able to represent their favorite Cartel based on color!Much like the Open World…