WoW News

ImagineFX Gets Exclusive with the Blizzard’s Fine Arts Project

The December edition of ImagineFX magazine is now on sale and packed with a little something extra for Blizzard art enthusiasts, including tutorials and how-to information from some of the artists that help bring World of Warcraft to life. You’ll also get to take a look into Blizzard Entertainment’s Fine Arts Project; a unique gathering of some of the world’s greatest contemporary fantasy artists creating their own visions of the Blizzard universe.

WoW News

Feast of Winter Veil

The later seasons of Azeroth are marked as a time of change in many cultures. The term "Winter Veil" is said to stem from a supernatural being referred in many cultures to as Greatfather Winter. As he would walk the land late in the seasons, winter itself would be his billowing cloak. In his wake was the blanketing of the land in snow, and thus it is said that Greatfather Winter would cast his wintry veil over the land…

WoW News

Show Off Your Holiday Dessert and Card Creations

Every year the community devises some tantalizing and delectable delicacies to tempt the taste buds, or procures pen and paper to produce truly imaginative and inspiring holiday greetings. This year, we’re asking for submissions from anyone who’s ever been infused with inspiration to create a culinary comestible or artistic abstraction based on the Diablo, StarCraft, or World of Warcraft franchises.