WoW News

A Twelve-Day Journey at a Glance

Leading up to the release of Mists of Pandaria, we hosted a 12 day journey on Facebook that included character bios, cover art, wallpapers, and videos to get people amped to play the new expansion. Now that we’re all busy leveling our new pandaren, monks, and 85’s to 90, we thought we’d be real good pals and gather it all up for y’all in one spot. Enjoy!

WoW News

The Secrets Behind World of Warcraft’s Italian Localization

Since patch 5.0.4, World of Warcraft players have had yet another European language option. What better time for Italian-speaking players to rediscover Azeroth, and this time in their native language!

But what went into creating the fully localized Italian version of World of Warcraft? We thought you might be interested in knowing a little more about the localization process that we’ve previously been through for all our other languages – so read on to find out.