Ucigasa - World Of Warcraft

Ucigasa - World Of Warcraft

Wrath of the Lich King: Utgarde Keep

Five-person dungeons are a cornerstone of World of Warcraft. The experience of teaming up with a small group of fellow players to take on challenges –and gain rewards — beyond the reach of a single player has lasting appeal. With Wrath of the Lich King, dungeon design is being pushed to a new level of immersion, refinement, and sheer fun.

We sat down with the World of Warcraft design team to get insight into the overall philosophy behind five-person dungeon design in Wrath of the Lich King. In the process, they gave us some details on one of the first dungeons players will experience in Northrend, Utgarde Keep, as an example of these ideas in action.

Original post by World of Warcraft Community Site

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