WoW News

New Dungeon System

In the upcoming content patch, a new dungeon system will be added that will take the place of the current Looking For Group system. This will offer great new benefits to both premade and randomly created groups, including:

  • Cross-Realm Instances/Grouping
  • Instance Teleporting
  • Daily Random Dungeons
  • Group Disenchanting

And much more. Learn more on our new dungeon system preview page.

WoW News

Tankard O’ Terror Screenshot Contest Winners

Brewfest has come and gone — but even if you have no recollection of what transpired, the memories will live on in your Brew of the Month Club membership…and the winning pictures in our Tankard O’ Terror Screenshot Contest!

Congrats to our five winners: Ghist, Hallbjörn, Rychuss, Onivroc, and Gildas. Their keen eye for capturing ale-related revelry has earned each of them a genuine Tankard O’ Terror replica mug from Taverncraft. Check out the winning entries and honorable mentions here.

WoW News

New World of Warcraft Licensed Collectibles

Windlass Studios has just introduced a new line of licensed collectibles inspired by World of Warcraft.

The first products of this line are Horde and Alliance-themed tabards and banners, each custom dyed and embroidered with iconic symbols and heraldry from the game. A full-sized latex rubber replica of the runeblade Frostmourne is also coming soon, and other products are in development as well. Check out the new collectibles at the Windlass Studios website.

WoW News

Real Life Character Customization: 2009 Halloween Masks

The high-quality latex World of Warcraft masks return, and are ready to order in time for your favorite Halloween party. New in 2009, you can make a splash with the deluxe draenei mask, or tell trick-or-treaters that they are not prepared as Illidan the Betrayer himself. Check out the full catalogue or visit a retailer near you.

If you’re having trouble finding what you’re looking for, we also now have limited mask quantities in the Blizzard Store.