WoW News

Sha'tari Skyguard Secrets

The Sha’tari Riding Nether Ray is a mark of honor bestowed upon those brave and generous enough to have lent their strength to both the Sha’tari Skyguard and the ogres of Ogri’la. Adventurers such as these are part of an awe-inspiring elite to others who must make do with lesser mounts. Those who wish to […]

WoW News

WoW Guide Updated: Sha'tari Skyguard Tips

The members of the vigilant Sha’tari Skyguard protect their home of Shattrath City, patrolling atop their signature flying mounts, the epic Nether Rays. These mounts, and other rewards, are also available to players who have reached the highest levels of standing with this Outland faction. We’ve updated our World of Warcraft Guide with a new […]