Starter decks will be available, with 9 different 33-card decks and 3 random, oversized hero cards. A storm rages in the Blasted Lands as evil stirs within the Dark Portal. Bloodshed in Azeroth intensifies as the Blood Elves and Draenei join the fray. Already, the great conflict spills over into the other world . . […]
Tag: Starter
World of Warcraft Wow Trading Card Game Heroes of Azeroth Random Starter Deck
World of Warcraft WoW Trading Card Game Heroes of Azeroth RANDOM Starter Deck Each 33-card starter deck is custom-built for one of the 9 character classes. This product also contain 2 booster packs to customize and expand your deck, and 3 out of 16 playable oversized Hero cards available only in starter decks! NOTE: This […]